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Why is your clinic using CoeurWay?

CoeurWay is an artificial intelligence platform that collects essential information from your consultations. Thanks to our solution, your professional can significantly reduce their administrative workload and focus on what really matters, YOU!

What it brings you

Quality care focused on you

Your professional will now have the time to look you in the eye and focus on your exchanges instead of filling out paperwork.

A mentally fresh professional for you

We automate paperwork to relieve healthcare professionals from their heavy administrative tasks.

Reduction of errors due to overload

Reduce errors by managing workload, improving accuracy and safety.

Essential Documents

Consent Form

Be informed about why your professional is recording your consultation.

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Terms and Conditions

Be informed about how the CoeurWay application should be used.

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Privacy Policy

Be informed about what information the CoeurWay application needs to function properly.

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