Focus on your patient, not paperwork.

The only Canadian-based medical assistant powered by AI that generates your notes and fills out your forms from your consultations.

  • Easy

  • Safe

  • Compliant

No installation required

CareWay is supported by

Logo L'esplanade
Logo cnrc
Logo Catalyste+
Logo Entrepreunariat ULAVAL
Logo Living Lab
Logo Inkub Desjardins
Logo Groupe 3737
Logo Le Camp
Logo L'esplanade
Logo cnrc
Logo Catalyste+
Logo Entrepreunariat ULAVAL
Logo Living Lab
Logo Inkub Desjardins
Logo Groupe 3737
Logo Le Camp

Simplify your daily life with the
CareWay Medical AI Scribe

The process of CareWay

Our Features

It's fun practicing.
With technological tools.

Note Generation

Generate a note from your consultations

Start recording your encounter and CareWay takes care of the rest! Benefit from a tool that allows you to generate notes compliant with your professional order in seconds.

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Your note is generated in no time. CareWay takes care of everything, you just need to approve it!

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Form Filling / BETA

Automatically fill out your forms

By processing multiple PDFs simultaneously, we allow you to automatically fill out all the necessary forms for your consultation very quickly.

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Fill out frequently used forms

Product screenshot

Bilingual and Accent Understanding

Express yourself naturally, our AI understands your expressions

Our AI not only understands words but also grasps expressions and language nuances. The application works in English, French, and even understands different accents!

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Accents are very well understood, for an inclusive and seamless experience, guaranteed!

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Your data is safe

The data is anonymized, encrypted, and stored on secure servers in Canada and deleted after 48 hours. We comply with Law 25, Law 3, PIPEDA, and TGV.

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You can be assured that your data is secure in Canada and that your patients will give their consent in an informed manner.

Product screenshot


You have questions?
We have the answers!

Get in touch with our team!

Frequently asked questions

CareWay Testimonial Image
CareWay Heart Logo

Try it for free

Generate notes in seconds

CareWay's technology has been developed in Canada with a mission to reduce the administrative burden on doctors by allowing them to automate note-taking and form-filling.

No installation required